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- Invest in a 23&Me For Actual Doctors
Invest in a 23&Me For Actual Doctors
Plus, ActiveCampaign CEO on the pod to talk about their MONSTER round.

Baby girl Gigi (Georgia Scott Kitun) is here!!
Little buggy and mama are happy and healthy (but tired).
As for me?? I’m back behind the 🎙
Since we last did this, a whole bunch of people got rich on $COIN (and a bunch more didn’t). I don’t usually obsess over missed opportunities, but since it’s pertinent, I’ll share my story of regret… at end of 2019 I had an opportunity to invest in Coinbase’s Secondary on Microventures — this was pre-IPO. The valuation was rich AF, Bitcoin was hovering around $3,500 and we were prepping to buy a house and I couldn't see an impending IPO (especially with a global pandemic starting to spread). Those were my excuses for passing. I made the same mistake with AirBnb, btw. I regretted both decisions immediately. But, such is life (I bought a shit ton of $TSLA instead 🤷♂️).
Why am I humble bragging here?? I’ll tell you… because that is the power equity crowdfunding wields… Accredited people with ZERO chance of getting into deals like Coinbase CAN! Non-accredited investors with ZERO chance of getting into deals like Gumroad CAN! And, that my friends, is why I do this every week!
Let’s Go!
For my newbs; every week I breakdown a startup pitch with the added hook that you don’t have to be a rich guy to invest (if you don't know what that means, click here).
If you like what you see here and haven’t already subscribed, please do 👇👇👇
On The Pod: A while back I tweeted that Chicago Tech is a sleeping giant in the media/marketing space — yesterday ActiveCampaign announced a $240m Series C led by Tiger Global valued at more then THREE BILLION. For those counting at home, that’s 3 Chicago MediaTech companies in a month earning the 🦄
I’ve known AC’s CEO Jason for years; he’s something of a regular on my pod. But, this time was a little different.
Here’s my podcast with ActiveCampaign CEO Jason VandeBoom 👉 https://spoti.fi/3eq0FXA
Follow me on Twitter @kitun.
#pitchreview time!
Company Bio
Predictiv is a DNA-based digital twin that assesses risks for over 16,000 diseases.
That sentence says a helluva lot in just a few words. Predicitv has the ability to also sequence more than 20,000 genes and simulate hundreds of drugs reactions in real-time. Basically, it does what 23&Me does from a genetic analysis standpoint but is done with medical intention rather than telling the Feds who your Great, Great, Grand Uncle was — to put it in another way — it tells doctors exactly what genetic diseases a patient might be predisposed to, eliminating tons of guess-work.
Meet the Founder
Watch my full interview with Predictiv’s Co-founder Alex Rochegude, here.
Alex is a serial entrepreneur and is COO. Fellow co-founders include twin brothers Sijung & Sajung Yun who beyond teaching genomics and bioinformatics at Johns Hopkins have spent the bulk of their careers focused on genetic engineering.
These dudes were too smart for my limited brain (they said it’s likely genetic, lol).
But, I do know that if you plan to enter the white hot market of Telehealth and genetic engineering you damn well need geniuses, and Predictiv has that. As far as entrepreneurial experience the entire leadership team has big league reps but nothing to sway me one way or another.

The ability to simulate personalized reaction to 300+ drugs
A unique advanced genomics pipeline (>95% automated)
An A.I. engine validated at the FDA COVID-19 challenge
Two patents filed
Projected revenue of $70M by 2024
18 months to break even, and will have a 75% operating margin
As with most early MedTech companies revenue and growth are not necessarily tethered. There’s a lot of hoops to jump through from patent protections to FDA approval and peer reviews. Once that all clears the work only just begins… I think that’s the attraction for investors — massive returns or bust. The nice part about a company like Predictiv is you’re always a breakthrough away from a nine-figure contract or acquisition.
Terms & Takeaway
Invest in Predictiv here 👉 https://republic.co/predictiv
Security Type: SAFE
Valuation Cap: $5,500,000
Raised (as of publishing): $290,996
Minimum Investment: $100
Here's what I like: I’ll be honest genetic testing fascinates the shit out of me. I am a very strong believer that the key to solving the dumpster 🔥 that is healthcare is that there’s no viable solution for politicians and mobsters to fight over. In a world where a network of thousands of Walgreens and CVS clinics serve day-to-day, telamed handles the stupid questions and analysis/maintenance requirements and everyone is a test away from a complete genetic profile that tells you precisely what to track on your Apple Watch — we can actually fix overspend, abuse and help people help themselves.
In that world, Predictiv can play a pretty big role (especially when you factor in the drug simulation components).
Here's what I don't love: With exception to patents, what is stopping 23&Me from just going a little further down the DNA path?? They currently test for only the most common diseases…

For now, people want to know if they have predispositions to cancer, Alzheimers and apparently Lupus. They’ve got some pretty significant backers and I’d imagine the moment the healthcare/telemedicine profiteers comes calling; they’ll answer the bell.
That said, maybe there’s just too much money to be made doing PBS shows!
Who should invest and why: If you love science or have invested in MedTech in the past, this is a great opportunity — it’s only a $5.5m value cap so honestly what’s there to lose?? Also, I feel like equity crowdfunding is still as much about ROI as supporting missions that are good for the people; and genetic testing is 100% vital to the future of managing healthcare costs for the bazillion humans wandering Earth. However, if you like investments that you can sprinkle some Facebook ads on, prolly not your jam.
As always, startup investing is super high-risk, anything can happen. So, don't invest money you can’t burn on a DNA test 🧬 💸
Invest in Predictiv here 👉 https://republic.co/predictiv
Questions? DM me on Twitter @kitun