Analyzing the average investor holding period before an exit or failure.
First Quarter Trends in Online Investing
A deep dive into investment crowdfunding exits and failures to date - IPOs, merger and acquisitions, failures, and more.
See the operations behind KingsCrowd in this Investor Webinar
Explore how startups measure up against industry standards in valuation with our detailed valuation-to-revenue chart and analysis
Back the creators behind Pitch Reviews
Reviewing female founders in 2023's ECF landscape in our latest analysis.
Explore how Latinx entrepreneurs are faring in the world of VC and online investments in this week's insightful chart.
Analyzing February's significant shifts in capital commitments and spotlight the month's top-performing platforms and industries.
Discover how founder ownership evolves in growth-stage startups and its impact on the company's trajectory
Explore the stark contrast in funding allocation for Black-founded startups between VC and Crowdfunding